Monday, May 7, 2012

Something about Arrogance

. The Inward is More Important .
Assalammualaikum. Have you ever looked at someone and just felt distance to be with that person? Have you ever judged someone through their appearance or behavior? With full regrets and disappointment I did and I am still learning to overcome all these negativity. After recollecting myself in updating this blog yesterday, I've came across a video about Islam and Ego from Nouman Ali Khan through MariaElena's blog ( . Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui. He knows.

Who am I to give judgement to others? Who am I to give assumption on others? Who am I? After listening to his talk, it rekindled inside of me how much I have changed inside. Have I really changed inside? The question bombarded me violently. Maybe. But to what extent? Do I do everything sincerely for Allah. Do I? Ya Allah, only to you I surrender myself and only you know what is inside of me. What we feel and do inwardly may jeopardize our spiritual especially to Allah. 

Astarghfirllah. With God fate, I had stumbled upon this hearing so as to reflect on my heart. Too many bad deeds have been done. How often do I remember Allah? Have I been deceived by my goodness all these while? Astargfirllah. Theres still so much for me to learn to be a humble muslim and it all begins from inside. Ego is the most dangerous source of which it may lead our good intention for Allah to another desire (for people or duniawi). Arrogance came without wanting but we know about it. Nobody knows about what  is going on inside our heart but only ourselves and Him. Our heart is the most vulnerable weapon.  I need to do something about my heart insyallah. I need to change my attitude and intention in life. I need to constantly remind myself to not expect results and try my best in everything I do as long as my intention is for Him. Can that happen? Insyallah with perseverance I would say. I do not want to be drowned in my egoness. Who are we to be in-charge of the results of our doings? Every decisions is in His hands. Insyallah Ya Allah, you show me the hidayah to cleanse my heart. I do not want to lie to myself as well as to you. I believe every new positive is not easy to implement, but insyallah. He listens.
There were too many take-away from this video. Below were the most significant reminder to myself and a push to recover my harden heart.

"Despite your trouble, you say alhamdullilah. In any situation, we praise Allah. Isn't that great? We have to be quick to give credit to Allah. When someone offends you, its a gift from Allah about humility."

"When doing things for Allah, change your attitude and change your intention in life.Deal with disappointment positively. You are not in-charge of the result. You will be more satisfied in life. The efforts you have put in need to be sincerely for Allah to avoid disappointment."

"What people don't see is the inside. First remedy is remembering Allah. Second remedy is to find the good company. Third remedy is remembering to keep your mouth shut. Find a humble way to give advice to Muslim. "

"We want to change people's heart first. You cannot change people's behaviour. Remind own self that theres going to be benefit.Not from others but from Him Almighty.Who's the first to be affected after giving a sincere reminder? Its the person who gives the reminder himself. Don't worry about the result." 

"Don't justify bad behaviour.Sincerity shows. If people mess up. Number one forgive the person. Second ask Allah to forgive them.May Allah keep us humble and capable of taking advice."

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